se·di·tion | \ si-ˈdi-shən \
Definition of sedition : incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority

So what have we seen from the Trump cult in over two weeks since the election? Borat II star Rudy (Pants-Off) Giulani preening in front of a sexshop in Philadelphia...MAGA dumbasses continuing to parade...cry...and whine about their dear leader's losing effort...a battalion of ass clown lawyers getting the bums rush from federal and state judges. It's been pretty good entertainment so far...reality TV at its finest. A waste of time? Yes! A waste of money? Yes! Like most reality TV shows, though, it's highly scripted, and we know how it will end. There is no "legal" process in play...every lawyer in the country has said this 1000 different ways. This clown show is political theater. Sorry can ask all the lawyers you want about doomsday scenarios in Michigan...Pennslvania...Georgia...wherever...and the answer is all the same. The mainstream media is either stupid....or pansies....again...making the orange colored draft dodger look like some sort of Bond villain. There is no legal avenue for the presidential race to be reversed....but there are illegal ways to make things very uncomfortable.
The Clock Is Ticking Cult Members

OK cult are in are are marching in support of your leader...all well and good. However...once the election is certified (California has until 11 December)...Americans are obligated to accept the results. Because, after all states have certified their results, active denial, that a free and fair election was held, is bordering on sedition. Exercising your first amendment rights, and peaceful protests, over a sitting government's actions and policies, is perfectly acceptable in this country. Widespread protests questioning the validity of an American election is not. If there is proof...where is it? Even FOX news is tuning out the cult clowns. So you can expend effort on crazy ass hair dye pressers and marching for another "lost cause"...but on 11 December...get with the program. After that, if you have disagreements with any of Biden's policies...legally voice your concerns. However, playtime is over folks...There is no nobility in defense of a failed effort. The reason they are failed efforts is because a preponderance of the affected population no longer support the Confederacy..the .British Empire...the Romans...
The Real Concern

Legal challenges to the 2020 presidential results are not a threat to this let's stop the hand wringing over this possibility. The fatass-in-chief makes the Pillsbury doughboy look like the Rock. "America's Mayor" is nothing more than a demented
class clown. Instead of focusing on these swill mongers...we should look at how deep and persistent the cult will be in challenging the results in other ways...such as violence and domestic terrorism. This has a better chance of happening than any successful legal where is the mainstream media reporting on this possibility?