I previously wrote a piece on my experience with cutting cable and switching to live streaming services instead. This is a very dynamic environment and has even changed dramatically in the last month since I first wrote about my live streaming service experience (Cutting the Cord). First, my live stream platform of choice (PlayStation Vue) will suspend services effective 31 January 2020, supposedly due to an inability to compete in the livestream environment. Secondly, Disney Plus has now entered the streaming business (as we are reminded of constantly).
Streaming defined

First, when discussing streaming services, a distinction needs to be made between content streaming and live streaming. Content streaming has been around for a while. These services include Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu etc. Their content is not live and consists of a variety of material to include television shows, movies and original material that they create. The content that these services provide is negotiated between the service provider and originator of the content. For example, Netflix will negotiate with HBO, or television networks to stream their content. Live streaming is relatively new, and is meant to replace your traditional cable or satellite viewing. This area has a number of competitors including Sling, Direct TV Now, You Tube TV, Hulu TV etc. Disney Plus is another content streaming service and not live streaming. In other words, it is similar to Netflix. Disney also owns Hulu, so that service is also being being bundled with Disney Plus along with ESPN3. Disney of course has a lot of their own content to stream and is pulling most of their material off of the other service providers.
Don't be fooled

Before Disney entered the the content streaming business, I would have ranked the available services as follows: Netflix #1, Amazon Prime #2 and Hulu #3. Now that Disney Plus/Hulu/ESPN3 have entered the market, I have not changed my views. I will not miss anything Disney has produced, so I don't care if they pull their content off of the other providers. I do not have any young children, so no pressure being applied there. I do have a grandson, but he seems to enjoy programming other than Disney anyway. I suppose if you just can't live without Disney, and love Hulu, then getting this service may make sense. However, If you are happy with Netflix and Amazon Prime, then save the money. I realize it is only U.S. 6.99 a month, but I have better use for those resources. Yes, Disney will tempt you with their 80 years of original programming and Star Wars dreck, but no thanks. Somehow I will survive and you will also.